Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jeremy's Half Ironman Experience

For anyone interested, I have shared my half ironman experience on my blog. Check it out here.

I have also posted a bunch of pics on Facebook from our Harriman Hoorah.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey - look who was in the newspaper! I'm a local celebrity. Autographs anyone?
Go Gaurd!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Coach Hugill

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post really quickly that I got back in contact with Coach Hugill recently on Facebook. He said to tell you all hi and that we all have a special place in his heart. I thought you all should know. From what I can tell he is doing well. He works at Coronado now but we should all still try to love him anyway. If you want to contact him yourself, let me know and I will be happy to give you his info. I'm just not sure how he would feel about me posting his info to the world.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Haddock Go to Washington

Darren and I had a fabulous trip to DC from 4/29-5/2.
We flew into Baltimore late Wednesday night, took a shuttle to our hotel in DC, and then hit the sights Thursday morning. We started with the WWII Monument (excellent) and then met our friends at the Capitol for a tour. The Capitol was totally inspiring--if I was forced to choose, it was probably my favorite thing. Here we are standing in front of Ms. Freedom--her twin sits atop the Capitol Dome.

Next, we went to the Library of Congress, which is stunning on the inside, and we saw a really cool Lincoln exhibit there (2009 is the 200th anniversary of his birth.)

Then we went in the Smithsonian Nat'l History Museum.
And apparently the only picture I took is of the Seinfeld Puffy Shirt and Oscar the Grouch.

We finished off the day at the Washington Monument, the Nat'l Portrait Museum, and Ford's Theater, where we saw a very touching musical about the Civil War.

Friday we attended our friends' son's wedding here.

Hoyos family with Brenton's new wife, Katie.

Then Darren and I begged off the luncheon to see some more stuff. Like the actual Constitution. The Archives were so very cool for a complete history geek like myself.

Then Saturday was our last full day and we made the most of it, let me tell you. Not including inside museums and Arlington, we walked 9.8 miles. Here we are in front of our first stop, the White House.

On the way to the National Mall, we spied the Boy Scout Monument behind a construction fence. Darren got this pic by shoving the camera through a crack. I included this pic especially for all you Haddock scouters.

Oh, yes, and then there was this interesting little event happening in the park across from the White House. World Labyrinth Day. The First Annual. Whaat?
The juxtaposition of the profound and the petty is pretty great.

The Vietnam War Memorial was very touching. But even more so was the group of WWII veterans being pushed around in their wheelchairs by their sons and daughters. We saw their tour bus later that day, with a full police escort.
Just as it should be.

The Lincoln Monument was well, monumental. I love that guy.

Jefferson's Monument was colossal, too.
I think they should be big like this. Its more inspiring.

After a few more museums (Natural History, Air and Space), we took the train to Arlington.
Oh, how we loved this place.

Watching these young men guard the tomb in the rain was so profound.
For our last few hours, we decided to go back to the steps of the Capitol, where once again, we witnessed the sublime and the ridiculous.

Seguay Tours.
It was hilarious to watch these people. Some riders could not stop zooming around. Two guys were chasing each other around the fountain whilst the tour guide pontificated on the significance of the heart of democracy. One couple was holding hands and kissing while riding, and this one older guy just wiggled back and forth, back and forth. So, so funny.

All in all, it was unforgettable.

Next time we're getting Seguays.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cassie goes to Bwaston

I know many of you frequently wonder, "What are the perks of being a single spinster of a teacher anyway?"

Well, here is one: You get to go to Boston on the governments pretty penny.

Here I am cooking ricotta fritters on the ol' fire.

We were lucky enough to be in Boston Common on the day of the modern tea party. Notice the hard core rioters.

I could not resist the grilled haddock at Legal Seafood. I know it sounds caniblistic but it really was tasty.

Befriending the British... Weaving (aren't you glad I wasn't as angry as my friend Tiffany behind me?)

Friday night we went to a Red Sox game which was pretty much complete awesomeness. We had the cheap $40 tickets but our friends were 8 rows behind home plate and a couple of old ladies left during the fifth inning so we got a major league seat upgrade. I ate a hot dog, fries, bottled water and kettle corn. Worth every penny, or should I say worth every 5 dollars